The majority of the forest trails of Kota Damansara Community Forest are built for multiple use by hikers as well as mountain bikers. This means the trails are built according to International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA) specifications for sustainable earth trails. They are built to withstand heavy use and are engineered to endure wet forest conditions without experiencing significant degradation as long as they are maintained at regular intervals. Read more about how you can get involved with trail maintenance here.
For those just taking up mountain biking, Salleh Trail has been improved especially to provide a safe, even ride for beginners of all ages. It is suitable for children but they should be supervised by an adult.
The next level up for beginners is Scouts and Temuan Trails. Sahabat, Harmoni and Unity are more challenging Trails. Serenity Trail has an exhilarating downhill stretch, but bikers beware of the tendency to pick up speed. Please be mindful of other users on the trail.
Sharing the trail

The KDCF Trails are deliberately designed to be ‘technical’ which means that the speed of the ride is controlled by the need to navigate the twists and turns of the trail. This is also a measure put in place to reduce any user conflict between bikers and hikers.
The IMBA has actually developed some excellent guidelines for responsible trail riding. All mountain bikers visiting KDCF are encouraged to study and take these guidelines to heart. You can read them at the official IMBA Rules of the Trail site.
Please be respectful of the trail designers’ intent and avoid making bypasses and short cuts as such ‘unofficial’ trails would not be able to meet the expectations of a well-constructed trail and would weaken and degrade over time.
Visit MyChangkul’s website to find out more about how the trails are built and to learn about their philosophy of engaging the public and building community through the use of sustainable forest trails.